Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute

Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute

Seth Lazar

Seth Lazar is joining the Templeton World Charity Foundation Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute as faculty, giving talks on the moral and political philosophy of data and AI, and the Value of Explanations. From the DISI website: "We believe that pushing back the frontiers of intelligence requires pulling down the barriers between traditional disciplines. It requires the constitution of a new “community of practice” focused on diverse intelligences, in which promising young scholars are connected across disciplinary lines. With generous funding from the Templeton World Charity Foundation, the Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute will build a community of early career scholars dedicated to actively breaking down transdisciplinary boundaries and asking Big Questions about the origin, nature, and future of intelligences.

We believe that breakthroughs in our thinking about mind, cognition, and intelligence require new stories. Our community of practice must also include storytellers who provoke us to consider intelligences of radically different form or character—and contemplate the implications these intelligences may have for the past and future of humanity. These stories will both spark the public imagination and ignite bold new research directions."

Read more here & watch the institute recordings here