Professor Sylvie Thiébaux first woman in Australia elected an AAAI Fellow

Professor Sylvie Thiébaux first woman in Australia elected AAAI Fellow

Sylvie Thiébaux

AAAI Conference on the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2020

ANU researcher Professor Sylvie Thiébaux has been elected as a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). Professor Thiébaux accepted the prestigious accolade on 9 February at a ceremony in New York City, USA. The fellowships are awarded to individuals who have made a significant lifetime contribution to the field of Artificial Intelligence. Generally, only 5-10 Fellows are selected each year worldwide, and Professor Thiébaux is the first woman based in Australia to be given the honour. She has had a distinguished career as a researcher – including building a prominent AI planning research group at ANU early in her career, leading the Canberra Laboratories of NICTA as a mid-career researcher, and being involved in a number of productive multi-disciplinary collaborations, including most recently HMI. Recently, she was elected as co-editor in chief of Artificial Intelligence, the top journal in the broad field of artificial intelligence.

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