Trust and Safety Workshop

Trust & Safety Workshop – Robotics Roadmap for Australia

The Australian Robotics Network are leading a series of workshops, being held across the country to progress the second edition of the Robotics Roadmap for Australia covering areas of national significance to Australia; resources, manufacturing, healthcare, services, defence, infrastructure, agriculture/environment, space and transport/mobility. Until the first edition of the robotics roadmap, little was known about Australia’s robotics industries. As robotics and related technologies mature, it is critical to understand and plan for the impact, challenges and the benefits they pose to our nation.

The second edition of the roadmap looks at Trust and Safety aspects of robotics and related technologies in Australia. The chapter on Trust & Safety aims not to write policy on trust and safety, but instead to connect the Australian Robotics Network with the ecosystem of work on robotic assurance in Australia, including research programs, assurance industries (e.g. accreditation, test and evaluation, testing range operators), government (e.g. regulators, policy-writers), makers and users of robotics technologies (e.g. drone manufacturers) and the Australian people.

The aim of the webinar was to build a trust and safety robotics network of researchers, assurance industries, government and organisations in Australia.

Watch the recording here

The network has written a ‘Trust & Safety’ chapter for the updated Robotics Roadmap of Australia. A link to the updated roadmap will be available upon publication.