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Cancelled by convenor - Ethics of Data Science Conference - Multidisciplinary advances towards toward greater good

Ethics of Data Science Conference - Multidisciplinary advances towards AI for greater good

Public event, University of Sydney,Cancelled by convenor.

The goal is to design ethical evidence based decision-making frameworks. This can only be achieved by understanding the morality, law and politics of data and artificial intelligence, drawing on world-class research in data science, law, philosophy and beyond. This conference is a unique opportunity to engage with the cutting edge of research in these fields, and to make progress on understanding the viability and legitimacy of algorithmic decision-making.

The conference aims to bring established global leaders in these fields together with the emerging talent that will define these debates for years to come. Key themes explored by our keynotes will include fairness, privacy, algorithmic regulation, and how we receive and process information in the age of AI.

Alongside a high-level program of cutting-edge research, the conference will provide a forum for two-way knowledge transfer between researchers and practitioners, 'masterclasses' in which leading Australian scholars in ethical questions related to AI will engage with leaders in government and industry to both pinpoint the central problems faced in the deployment of algorithmic systems, and identify the paths to solving those problems.