HMI DAIS 19 - The Familiarity Hypothesis
Join us for the HMI Data, AI and Society seminar, Tom Dietterich from Oregon State will present ‘The Familiarity Hypothesis’.
Join us for the HMI Data, AI and Society seminar, Tom Dietterich from Oregon State will present ‘The Familiarity Hypothesis’.
This innovative Australian National University (ANU) workshop is open to PhD candidates at ANU and beyond whose research subject is an emerging technology (interpreted broadly), and whose research methods involve some form of innovation (also interpreted broadly). The workshop is a collaborative, student-led project, generously supported by the Humanising Machine Intelligence project and the School of Cybernetics at ANU. Click through for more details!
Join us for the HMI Data, AI and Society seminar, Marcus Hutter of DeepMind will present ‘Fairness without Regret’.
Seminar: Prof Lee Bygrave - Machine Learning, Cognitive Sovereignty and Data Protection Rights with Respect to Automated Decisions
In this seminar, hosted by the ANU College of Law and the ANU Humanising Machine Intelligence Grand Challenge project, Professor Lee Bygrave (Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law - Law Faculty, University of Oslo) will present some of his recent work on "cognitive sovereignty" in a machine learning (ML) context.
Human behaviour is increasingly governed by automated decisional systems based on ML and ‘Big Data’. While these systems promise a range of benefits, they also throw up a congeries of challenges, not least for our ability as humans to understand their logic and ramifications. This seminar maps the basic mechanics of such systems, the concerns they raise, and the degree to which these concerns may be remedied by data protection law, particularly those provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation that specifically target automated decision-making.
Drawing upon the work of Ulrich Beck, the seminar employs the notion of ‘cognitive sovereignty’ to provide an overarching conceptual framing of the subject matter. Cognitive sovereignty essentially denotes our moral and legal interest in being able to comprehend our environs and ourselves. Focus on this interest fills a blind spot in scholarship and policy discourse on ML-enhanced decisional systems, and is vital for grounding claims for greater explicability of machine processes.
To register for this event please see here.
Seth Lazar is participating in the panel discussion event ‘Working well with artificial intelligence: people and place’, which will be live streamed. Click through for more information.
On September 8, Katie Steele and Orri Stefánsson will present an online book symposium on “Beyond Uncertainty”. Register here or click through for more information.
Join us for the HMI Data, AI and Society seminar, Hoda Heidari of Carnegie Mellon University will present ‘Fair-ML through the Lens of Equality of Opportunity’.
Learn how to optimise good, minimise harm, and design with intention using a research-based method called "Affordance Thinking".
The role of technology in political and social movements like the Arab Spring is widely considered by scholars to be important, but not revolutionary. But significant political upheaval in Asia is powered by highly online protest communities operating in media environments unique to our region. Does tech power protest differently in Asia? Join the second seminar in the Digital Politics in the Asia Pacific series to find out.
Sarita Rosenstock (course convener), Pamela Robinson and Mario Guenther will be running a course on philosophy, AI and society during Semester 2, 2021.
Join us for the HMI Data, AI and Society seminar, Rumi Chunara of NYU will present ‘Machine Learning for Health and Equity & Health and Equity for Machine Learning’.
Join us for the HMI Data, AI and Society seminar, Angela Zhou of Cornell will present ‘Credible Evaluation for Algorithmic Fairness’.
Join us for the 4th AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society on 19-21 May 2021.
Join us for the first HMI Data, AI and Society seminar of the year. Brian Hedden of ANU will present ‘On Statistical Criteria of Algorithmic Fairness’.
Rogier Creemers, Angela Zhang and John Lee will present ‘Chinese Tech and the Part State: Privacy, Profit and Power’ on May 26th. Click through for more information.
Atoosa Kasirzadeh and Andrew Smart will give a workshop on their paper ‘The Use and Misuse of Counterfactuals in Ethical Machine Learning’, at the Proceedings of Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT) 2021. Register here or click through for more information.
Atoosa Kasirzadeh will present ‘Reasons, Values, Stakeholders: A Philosophical Framework for Explainable Artificial Intelligence’ at the upcoming ACM Conference Proceedings on Fairness, Accountability, Transparency (FAccT) 2021. Register here or click through for more information.
Seth Lazar is giving a tutorial on power in political philosophy to attendees at the ACM FAccT conference at 11pm AEDT on Thursday the 4th of March. Register here or click through for more information.
On February 4, there will be an online symposium on William MacAskill, Krister Bykvist and Toby Ord’s new book Moral Uncertainty (OUP 2020). Speakers include Katie Steele, Pamela Robinson and Christian Barry. Register here or click through for more information.
Join us for the last HMI Data, AI and Society seminar of the year. Cierra Robson of Harvard will present ‘Corporate Participation in Algorithmic Policing’.
Join a panel of leading interdisciplinary experts including Dr Jake Goldenfein, Dr Sebastian Benthall, Associate Professor Tatiana Cutts and Dr Sarah Logan as they explore the need for collective law and ethics in data science.
Join a panel of interdisciplinary experts including Atoosa Kasirzadeh, Will Bateman and Tiberio Caetano as they discuss ‘Taming the Terminator: Law, ethics and artificial intelligence’.
Join us for the twelfth HMI Data, AI and Society public online seminar. Naman Goel, of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology will present ‘The Importance of Modeling Data Missingness in Algorithmic Fairness’.
On November 12, Jenny L. Davis will launch for her new book ‘How Artifacts Afford: The Power and Politics of Everyday Things’. Register here or click through for more information.
Join us for the eleventh HMI Data, AI and Society public online seminar. Ruobin Gong (Rutgers University) and Marcello Di Bello (Arizona State University), will present ‘Resolving Algorithmic Fairness’.
Join the Women in AI Ethics™ Collective in Australia for our first Asia-Pacific summit with inspiring talks and discussions.
The Ethics of Data Science Conference is postponed until 2021 - updates will be posted here.
Join us for the tenth HMI Data, AI and Society public online seminar. Rediet Abebe, member of the Harvard Society of Fellows and incoming XXX University of California, Berkeley will present ‘Roles for Computing in Social Justice’.
Join us for the ninth HMI Data, AI and Society public online seminar - Abhijnan Chakraborty of the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems will present ‘Incorporating Fairness in Two-Sided Online Platforms’.
In the next In Conversation event, Dr Claire Benn will join Dr Jason Ketter, Head of Advancement at the Australian National University (ANU) College of Asia and the Pacific, to explore the sampling of ethical issues with which AI is infused. Register here or click through for more information.