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Upcoming Course: Philosophy, AI and Society

Upcoming Course: Philosophy, AI and Society

Sarita Rosenstock (course convener), Pamela Robinson and Mario Guenther will be running a course on philosophy, AI and society during Semester 2, 2021.

Course Description: From our smartphones to our welfare states, we are increasingly dependent on systems that deploy some form or other of artificial intelligence. But despite the central role that AI now plays in our lives, philosophers have been slow to shape our understanding of where we are now, and where we should go next. In this course, we will explore the novel philosophical questions raised by data and AI, drawing on moral and political philosophy, but also philosophy of science and epistemology, and throughout remaining closely engaged with the technical and empirical realities of data and AI. Our goal will be not only to navigate the normative uncertainties we face as we engage with new technologies, but also to demonstrate the exciting prospects for further study in the field of Philosophy, AI and Society (PAIS).

See here for more information.