Women Ambassadors Luncheon on Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics

Women Ambassadors Luncheon on Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics, November 2019

Chelle Adamson

As a member of the Women in AI global community, Chelle participated in the Women Ambassadors Luncheon on Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics in AI open debate at the National Press Club. A panel of eight thought leaders in AI including Genevieve Bell (ANU), Sally Cripps (USyd), Angela Kim (Zurich Insurance), Jeannie Marie Paterson (UMelb) and Catrina Denver (Monash) led an open debate discussing a number of today’s most pertinent AI issues. Some of the AI issues discussed included the use of regulatory sandboxes, the robustness of current law as it applies to the use of AI, useful evaluation of the actual inputs to a given AI model, and how to deal with the spectrum of personal values in any one AI decision making context.

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