Claire Benn


Claire Benn

Research Fellow

Dr Claire Benn’s work focuses on the intersection of ethics and the philosophy of technology. All her research flows from the same core motivation: to construct an ethics that is able to answer questions people face in their everyday lives, both now and in the near future. As technology becomes increasingly central in mediating and influencing our everyday experiences, her work seeks to address the ways in which AI, and machines more broadly, affect our moral landscape. This includes exploring how living, working and making decisions with machines should influence their design and the codes of conduct they are subject to, by taking into account our limitations and our needs. It also includes revealing the normative dangers of being too comfortable around machines and machine-mediated experiences and championing discomfort as morally important, reminding us of their true moral status and keeping us cognizant of the limits of their abilities.

Read about Claire’s work with HMI here.

Find out more about Claire here.