Women in AI Ethics Regional Lead

Women in AI Ethics Regional Lead

Chelle Adamson

Chelle was recently invited to become the Women in AI Ethics (WAIE) Regional Lead for Australia. Women in AI Ethics is a global network based on Recognition, Representation, and Empowerment. Given the pervasiveness of negative consequences due to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms and autonomous decision making, there is an urgent need for an open discussion on perils of unchecked AI. The contributions of brilliant women in the critical area of AI Ethics must also be recognised. Towards this end, WAIE have created an open directory of talented women working hard to save humanity from the adverse implications and outcomes of AI.

Inspired by the “100 Women in AI Ethics™” list authored by Mia Dand, CEO of Lighthouse3, the Women in AI ethics platform is designed to make it easier for organizations to recognize and recruit more talented women working on the ethics of AI. The exponential growth of AI and potential for significant harm necessitates a comprehensive and inclusive approach. After an extensive evaluation of the AI ecosystem and implications of AI, we have developed a holistic framework for AI + Ethics with 6 key focus areas that consider all ethical implications of AI beyond just technology. It is intentionally designed to expand critical discussions on the ethics of AI to include diverse perspectives from non-technical disciplines. To this end, WAIE host regular events, post weekly newsletters on the most prescient AI ethics issues and recently set up a global mentoring and externship program to assist women during the pandemic.

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