Posts tagged Explanation
Mathematical and Causal Faces of Explainable AI

In this talk, I introduce a philosophically-informed framework for the varieties of explanations used for building transparent AI decisions. This paper has been presented at Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute and Department of Philosophy (University of California San Diego), Department of Philosophy (Stanford University and University of Washington), Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science (University of California, Irvine)

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Computing Superior Counter-Examples for Conformant Planning

In a counterexample based approach to conformant planning, choosing the right counterexample can improve performance. We formalise this observation by introducing the notion of “superiority” of a counterexample over another one,that holds whenever the superior counterexample exhibits more tags than the latter. We provide a theoretical explanation that supports the strategy of searching for maximally superior counterexamples, and we show how this strategy can be implemented. The empirical experiments validate our approach.

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Mathematical decisions and non-causal elements of explainable AI

I offer a multi-faceted conceptual framework for the explanation and the interpretations of algorithmic decisions, and I claim that this framework can lay the groundwork for a focused discussion among multiple stakeholders about the social implications of algorithmic decision-making, as well as AI governance and ethics more generally.

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