Posts in Human-AI Interaction

If we designed AI systems that were morally perfect in a vacuum, but didn't take into account the predictable way people react when interacting and using those systems, then we would end up with very bad AI systems. We need to take our limitations and biases into account when designing AI systems, but also think about how working with data and AI will change us.

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User Tampering in Reinforcement Learning Recommender Systems

This paper provides the first formalisation and empirical demonstration of a particular safety concern in reinforcement learning (RL)-based news and social media recommendation algorithms. This safety concern is what we call "user tampering" -- a phenomenon whereby an RL-based recommender system may manipulate a media user's opinions, preferences and beliefs via its recommendations as part of a policy to increase long-term user engagement.

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An On-Line POMDP Solver for Continuous Observation Spaces

Planning under partial obervability is essential for autonomous robots. A principled way to address such planning problems is the Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP). Although solving POMDPs is computationally intractable, substantial advancements have been achieved in developing approximate POMDP solvers in the past two decades. However, computing robust solutions for problems with continuous observation spaces remains challenging. Most on-line solvers rely on discretising the observation space or artificially limiting the number of observations that are considered during planning to compute tractable policies. In this paper we propose a new on-line POMDP solver, called Lazy Belief Extraction for Continuous POMDPs (LABECOP), that combines methods from Monte-Carlo-Tree-Search and particle filtering to construct a policy reprentation which doesn't require discretised observation spaces and avoids limiting the number of observations considered during planning. Experiments on three different problems involving continuous observation spaces indicate that LABECOP performs similar or better than state-of-the-art POMDP solvers.

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Algorithmic and human decision making: for a double standard of transparency

Should decision-making algorithms be held to higher standards of transparency than human beings? The way we answer this question directly impacts what we demand from explainable algorithms, how we govern them via regulatory proposals, and how explainable algorithms may help resolve the social problems associated with decision making supported by artificial intelligence. Some argue that algorithms and humans should be held to the same standards of transparency and that a double standard of transparency is hardly justified. We give two arguments to the contrary and specify two kinds of situations for which higher standards of transparency are required from algorithmic decisions as compared to humans. Our arguments have direct implications on the demands from explainable algorithms in decision-making contexts such as automated transportation.

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